
Yesterday was my sixteenth birthday. That’s right. Sixteen.

We didn’t have a huge celebration. Our teachers and teammates came over to have cake after dinner. Angel Food cake with strawberry sauce, to be more specific. My favorite. My parents had everyone bring encouraging notes and scriptures that they had picked out for me, which was very special.
It was simple, but meaningful.

“What does it feel like to be sixteen years old?”, everyone around me asks. To be honest, I’m not really sure yet. I don’t feel like something has magically changed within me. I feel exactly the same as I did two days ago. But that doesn’t mean that I haven’t changed since my last birthday or that I won’t change throughout the coming year. I look forward to the ways that I will grow and change within the next year. I pray that my sixteenth year will be one that is full of new adventures, beauty, smiles, belly laughs, sunshine, and all together wonderful things.

I’m so thankful for teammates, teachers, family, and friends that I got to celebrate with, whether they were actually standing around me, or oceans away.

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